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MacOS has the compiler “gfortran” and the libraries “LAPACK” and “BLAS” installed already as system libraries. Important is to install “Xcode” from the Appstore. (Sign the license after opening it from the application folder.) Then install the “Command-Line tools” of Xcode. (Check the web for installation instructions).


I am installing Linux programs using homebrew. If you do not have it already, follow the installation instruction on its web page. Then install the following libraries.

brew install fftw  --with-fortran
brew install openmpi
brew install grace
  1. Unpack the PAW distribution into a directory, which I will name PAWDIR in the following.
  2. add the directory PAWDIR/bin/osx_gfortran_accellerate to your PATH variable in your ~/.profile
  3. Create a file ''parms.osx_gfortran_accelerate'' in PAWDIR
  4. Check the values of the parameters FFTDIR, FFTHEADER, MPIDIR, and MPIDIR in parms.osx_gfortran_accelerate. Most likely, you will need to adjust the version numbers of the codes.
  5. execute in PAWDIR
         configure --with-parmfile=parms.osx_gfortran_accelerate
         make all 

    “autoconf” uses the file “” to construct the “configure” file. You can skip this step, if a configure file is already present. After the “configure” command, you should get some information that ends with done!—configuration completed successfully!. If not, inspect the error messages and fix them. The “make” command may take a very long time, if you set up the code for the first time.

  6. Codesign: When you try to remotely execute unsigned code under macos, it will ask you for permission. This is painful when you run parallel code. Therefore it is advisable to sign the parallel executables. This is a fairly complicated procedure, which you need to look up.
  7. Increase the stack size and the core-dump size by including the following commands in your ~/.profile
        ulimit -s 65532
        ulimit -c unlimited 
package/installation.1649450707.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/08 20:45 by pbloechl

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