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handson:handson2025 [2025/01/22 10:26] – created axelhandson:handson2025 [2025/01/22 10:28] (current) axel
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 ====== Hands-on Course on Density-Functional Calculations – International CP-PAW Autumn School====== ====== Hands-on Course on Density-Functional Calculations – International CP-PAW Autumn School======
-**Göttingen, 16.09.-27.09.2024**\\+**Göttingen, 15.09.-26.09.2025**\\
 **Contact: <>** **Contact: <>**
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 |Location    |Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany|| |Location    |Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany||
 |Organizers   |Prof. Dr. Peter E. Blöchl, M.Sc. Lukas Rump \\ Dr. Robert Schade, Dr. Xin Wu || |Organizers   |Prof. Dr. Peter E. Blöchl, M.Sc. Lukas Rump \\ Dr. Robert Schade, Dr. Xin Wu ||
-|Registration & \\ further information| [[|]]||+|Registration & \\ further information| IS COMING
 |UniVZ Göttingen |[[|534590]] |[[|534078]] | |UniVZ Göttingen |[[|534590]] |[[|534078]] |
 |UniVZ TU Clausthal | |[[|S2415]] | |UniVZ TU Clausthal | |[[|S2415]] |
-In the first week (**16.09. -- 20.09.2024**), students attend lectures in the morning to obtain the theoretical background. Tutors guide practice sessions on using the CP-PAW code in the afternoon. After finishing this week of the course, the participants can independently develop and carry out density-functional calculations and subsequently analyze and judge their results.+In the first week (**15.09. -- 19.09.2025**), students attend lectures in the morning to obtain the theoretical background. Tutors guide practice sessions on using the CP-PAW code in the afternoon. After finishing this week of the course, the participants can independently develop and carry out density-functional calculations and subsequently analyze and judge their results.
-Participants decide whether to attend the second week of the course (**23.09. -- 27.09.2024**). They will carry out individual guided projects which they will present in a seminar at the end of the week. Additionally, there will be lectures on advanced topics of density-functional calculations.+Participants decide whether to attend the second week of the course (**22.09. -- 26.09.2025**). They will carry out individual guided projects which they will present in a seminar at the end of the week. Additionally, there will be lectures on advanced topics of density-functional calculations.
 The goal of the course is that participants **learn to perform density-functional calculations of molecules and solids**. Participants will learn to design electronic structure calculations, perform the calculations, analyze results and evaluate their quality. The second week provides additional insight into specialized topics of density-functional methods. Participants train electronic structure calculations in one dedicated project out of a proposed selection. The goal of the course is that participants **learn to perform density-functional calculations of molecules and solids**. Participants will learn to design electronic structure calculations, perform the calculations, analyze results and evaluate their quality. The second week provides additional insight into specialized topics of density-functional methods. Participants train electronic structure calculations in one dedicated project out of a proposed selection.
handson/handson2025.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/22 10:28 by axel

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